Saturday, April 3, 2010

Treatment of hypomagnesium


Oral replacement is appropriate for mild symptoms, while IV replacement is indicated for severe clinical effects.

Magnesium gluconate (Almora)

Oral supplementation should be given when patient is mildly depleted of magnesium (ie, magnesium level >1 mEq/L and patient is asymptomatic).
Other oral supplements (eg, magnesium oxide, magnesium hydroxide) may be used.
500 mg/d (27 mg elemental magnesium) PO
3-6 mg elemental magnesium/kg/d PO divided tid/qid; not to exceed 400 mg in 24 h

Magnesium sulfate

Supplementation via IV infusion should be given to patients with moderately severe to severe depletion.
2-4 g of 50% magnesium sulfate (16.6-33.3 mEq) diluted in saline or dextrose IV over 30-60 min
In cases of life-threatening arrhythmias, give same amount IV push
1 mEq/kg IV on day 1; 0.5 mEq/kg/d over next 3 d

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